Page 8 - Issue 01
P. 8


                                                     Dear Readers,

                   ECONP₹ISM is a student-managed newsletter published quarterly by Indira Gandhi
                   Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. The newsletter is envisaged to create
                      awareness about essential work done at our Institute, to act as a platform that
                 showcases academic and non-academic activities of the Institute, and to create synergy

                    between the Institute’s activities and those of other academicians, policymakers,
                                       regulatory bodies and the corporate sector.

                   The broad theme of the current issue is “Covid-19: Impact and Lessons Learnt”. The
                  current issue features regular articles and interviews of senior academicians, reports
                    on the Institute library's activities, reports on the Alumni committee’s activities,

                 summaries of other student initiatives like ‘Kaawish’, and so on. Hence, we feel that this
                     issue contains a good mix of expert articles on the broad theme and the internal
                                                activities of the institute.

                  We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Director, the Dean of Students,
                   the Registrar, and the members of the Newsletter sub-committee for their guidance
                  and support. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the contributors for

                 taking out their valuable time to provide articles for this issue. Lastly, we would like to
                  acknowledge the exemplary contributions of this issue’s student editors, design team,
                     and volunteers, who during these difficult times, worked with a lot of focus and
                           dedication to get quality articles for this edition of the newsletter.

                  We hope that readers would enjoy going through this issue of the newsletter. We wish
                 to engage and encourage more academicians, policymakers, and alumni of this institute
                                    to share their contributions to our future issues.

                                                      Best wishes,
                                Dr. Bharti Nandwani and Dr. Gopakumar Achuthankutty,
                                             Faculty Advisors, ECONP₹ISM

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